Charter Bus Packages
We offer package deals for Charter Bus Operators wishing to bring groups out on gaming excursions.
From half-day trips to two-night overnight stays, we have the games and amenities your travelers are looking for.
$5 in free play
per guest + driver
$5 off dinning
per guest + driver
Playa Bonita excluded
A four-hour minimum stay at the casino is required to receive incentives for daytime buses.
$10 in free play
per day
per guest + driver
$10 1st Bet’s On Us
at The Book
per guest + driver
$1 Keno ticket
per day
$10 Breakfast voucher
per guest + driver
Excludes Playa Bonita
2x for two-night stays
(one per day)
$10 lunch or dinner voucher
per guest + driver
Excludes Playa Bonita
2x for two-night stays
(one per day)
$5 Strikerz Bowling game
per guest + driver
Shoe rental included
2x for two-night stays
(one per day)
Choose one-night or two-night charter stays
Request Bus Tour
Fill out this form to set your group off on their next great adventure. Contact our group sales team if you have any questions.

- Overnight charters are required to complete the form above. Once the form is submitted, a member of the Group Sales Team will contact you.
- Overnight charters must submit their request a minimum of two months in advance.
- Only one- or two-night stays are offered for charter groups. These are for overnights only, and room availability is limited.
- We do not accept drop-ins or overnight charters on Fridays, Saturdays, or Mondays.
- A minimum of 20 passengers is required for overnight charters.
- Passengers must be 21 years of age or older.
- A complete manifest, with a minimum of each guest’s legal first/last name, birthdate, and Players Club Card number (if applicable), is required.
- Overnight charter hosts must call 360.227.5176 when they are exiting I-5 at Exit 210. A Team Member will meet them at the bus in front of the casino.
- Passengers are not permitted to disembark the bus until they are greeted by a Team Member.
- Each passenger must have a valid driver’s license, government-issued photo ID, or passport.